Employment Opportunties

In addition to the featured jobs below, you may want to use our job search tool to find other vacancies by employment category, organization, or position level. Review the employment categories to learn about the types of positions available at international organizations and find links to other job opportunities.

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Employment categories

  • United Nations Volunteers

    The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) program is administered by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to support peace and development worldwide. Volunteers work in development assistance projects, humanitarian, or peacekeeping operations, and are expected to serve for a minimum of one year.

    UNV offers a variety of benefits, including travel to/from the assignment, a monthly living allowance, health benefits, and annual leave. To be considered for the program, individuals must be at least 25 years old, have a college degree and a minimum of two years of relevant work experience.

    Interested applicants should visit the UNV website for more information and application instructions.

  • General Service Positions

    The United Nations and other international organizations use the term General Service to categorize administrative, secretarial, and clerical support staff positions as well as specialized technical posts such as printing, security, and building maintenance. These positions are generally recruited locally from the area in which the particular office is located, and can be filled by employees of any nationality.