Junior Professional Officer Programs

Ready for a career that matches your drive and makes a global impact? Discover how the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs’ United Nations Junior Professional Officer (JPO) program can equip you with the tools and connections for a fulfilling career.

The United Nations Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program is a two-year developmental program for young professionals that provides a pathway to a career within the UN system. JPO portfolios are diverse and tailored to the individual’s skills and experience. There are opportunities to address pressing issues such as food insecurity, climate change, humanitarian aid, sustainable development, peacekeeping, human rights, and more. By participating in the program, JPOs gain experience in multilateral cooperation as Entry-Level Officers under the supervision of experienced UN staff.

JPO vacancies are posted annually and offered in a variety of locations such as Bangkok, Geneva, Montreal, Nairobi, New York, Vienna, Paris, and Rome. We encourage you to apply.


JPO candidates are generally required to:

  • be a U.S. citizen
  • have a master’s degree and 3+ years of experience or a bachelor’s degree and 5+ years of experience
  • be no older than 32 years of age as of December 31 of the year of application

Important Dates

New opportunities are posted throughout the year. Explore the latest JPO opportunities listed below or visit the UN DESA website for the latest information on JPO application and deadlines.